Saturday, July 19, 2008


Today was our last busy Saturday for a while... hopefully! Yuko and Keiko had tennis lessons at the YMCA and Junko had gymnastics also at the YMCA. I was at Efy when all of this started so I didn't do anything! So today I got to be the photographer! haha GO ME!! lol But here are some pictures from tennis!

This is like the one good "action photo" of Keiko I got and it's not even that actiony! haha.

Here's one of Yuko, sadly I didn't get many of her because she was on the far court and it was too scary to move... little kids with tennis rackets... *shivers* haha.

Ok this one is pretty good!

The coach was super nice and ordered the kids little medals!

Junko got one too! She was the official ball picker upper! haha

Sadly, my dad got one too... WAY EMBARRASSING! haha But I must say, he was awfully proud! lol

Ok, on to Junko's gymnastics! I thought she was SO adorable!

This is a video of her on the bar thingy! She is sooo cute!

And this is Junko on the vault! That's her favorite!

OK then, I g2g! So enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

P Haggard said...

hey Mako,
it's me nathan. I have a question for you. where is the leaning tower of peaza?